Herbs and Medicinal Plants Used in Ancient Egyptian Medicine

Herbs and Medicinal Plants Used in Ancient Egyptian Medicine


Herbs and Medicinal Plants Used in Ancient Egyptian Medicine

Herbs and Medicinal Plants Used in Ancient Egyptian Medicine

Exploring ancient Egyptian medicine makes me wonder. How did they know so much about the body back then? They understood dental, gynecological, and many other health issues very well.

They even could diagnose conditions we now know as diabetes and cancer. This shows how deep their medical knowledge was.

Ancient Egyptian medicine was not just about treating illnesses. They were very creative. Using plants, animals, and minerals in remedies was common.

Some of these remedies are still used today. This shows the wisdom of their practices. The Egyptians documented their medical knowledge well, leaving us valuable records on stone, clay, and papyrus.

Key Takeaways

  • The ancient Egyptians had advanced knowledge of anatomy and surgery, treating a wide range of diseases.
  • Medicinal practices in ancient Egypt included the use of diverse plant-based remedies, animal products, and minerals.
  • Ancient Egyptian medical knowledge was extensively documented on stone, clay, and papyrus.
  • The Egyptian civilization made notable advancements in medicine, including bone setting, dentistry, and surgical techniques.
  • Ancient Egyptian medical professionals were organized in a hierarchical structure, with evidence of women physicians.

The Origins of Ancient Egyptian Medicine

Ancient Egyptian medicine started a long time ago, over thousands of years. The first known doctor in history was Sekhet'enanch, around 3533 BCE. He treated Pharaoh Sahura's nose problem, showing how advanced Egyptian healthcare was back then.

The Earliest Medical Records

Imhotep is a big name in ancient Egyptian medicine. He was not just a doctor but also the builder of Pharaoh Zoser's step pyramid at Sakkara. He was a leader both in medicine and architecture in his time.

The Concept of Health and Disease

Ancient Egyptians saw medicine as part science, part magic. They thought a person's connections to the world affected their health. This view on healthcare was special to their medical practice.

The Hierarchy of Medical Profession

Ancient Egyptian medicine had a detailed system of medical roles. This system included ordinary doctors and chiefs of doctors, among others. It is noteworthy that women also worked as doctors, proving their healthcare was open to everyone.

Herbs and Medicinal Plants Used in Ancient Egyptian Medicine

Herbs and Medicinal Plants in Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians knew a lot about the healing powers of herbs and plants. They used these remedies in their healthcare system. They could treat both simple and very complex illnesses.

Common Herbal Remedies

Ancient Egyptians had many ways to use plants for medicine. They also used parts of animals and minerals in their treatments.1 They wrote down a lot of their medical knowledge. Documents like the Ebers Papyrus and Kahun Papyrus show us how they treated illnesses.

Garlic and Onions

Garlic and onions were thought to be very helpful in ancient Egypt. They were used to help with breathing problems and stomach aches.People back then and today value their health benefits.

Coriander and Cumin

Coriander and cumin were not just for cooking in ancient Egypt. They were also used as medicine. Coriander could help with digestion and give energy. Cumin was good for reducing gas and joint pain.

Other Medicinal Plants

But the Egyptians had more than just garlic and these spices. They used many other plants for healing too. Willow, sycamore, and thyme were among them. They used these to help in different ways, like making ointments. They also used plants like opium, cannabis, and myrrh to make medicine.

The Egyptians were thorough in their study of plant medicine. They didn't just know what plants could do. They also knew the best ways to use them. This shows their full view on healthcare and how they learned to heal over time.

Herbs and Medicinal Plants Used in Ancient Egyptian Medicine

Diseases and Treatments

Common Ailments

Ancient Egyptians often dealt with issues like upset stomachs, bowel problems, and headaches. They used natural cures for these ailments.

Bilharziasis and Other Endemic Diseases

In ancient Egypt, bilharziasis (schistosomiasis) was a major health concern. The Ebers Papyrus detailed its symptoms and treatment methods.1 Insect-borne diseases were also common. This included malaria and trachoma. Epidemics sometimes occurred along trade paths. Some of these may have been bubonic plague outbreaks.

Surgical Practices

The ancient Egyptians were skilled in surgery, knowing about the body’s anatomy. They performed bone setting, dentistry, and simple surgeries. Their tools were like those used today, such as scalpels and forceps.

Ailment Treatment
Digestive issues Natural remedies, including herbs and spices
Bilharziasis Addressed in the Ebers Papyrus
Bone fractures Bone setting and splinting
Dental problems Remedies with cumin, incense, and onion; drilling to drain abscesses

Sources of Knowledge

The ancient Egyptian medical papyri are our key sources of info on medicine in ancient Egypt. They include the Ebers Papyrus, Edwin Smith Papyrus, Kahun Papyrus, and more.1 These texts give us great insights into how ancient Egyptians dealt with medical issues.

The Ebers Papyrus

Dating to 1550 BCE, the Ebers Papyrus is full of useful info. It has over 700 remedies and magical formulas. It also talks about the body, heart, mental health, and planning a family.

The Kahun Papyrus

The Kahun Papyrus is from 1825 BCE and focuses on women's health. It covers topics like how women’s bodies work, getting pregnant, staying healthy during pregnancy, and ways to avoid getting pregnant.

Other Medical Papyri

Besides the Ebers and Kahun Papyri, there are many more like the Edwin Smith Papyrus. Plus, there's the Hearst Papyrus, Erman Papyrus, London Papyrus, and several others.These writings show how ancient Egyptians saw and treated sickness. They used things like plants, surgery, and even magic.


The ancient Egyptians approached medicine with a mix of natural remedies and spiritual practices. They used many herbs and plants for healing. And their study of medicine, found in old texts, shows they knew a lot about how the body works and healing diseases.

From 3300 to 525 B.C.E., the ancient Egyptian medical world was very advanced. They could set bones, work on teeth, and do surgery. People like Sekhet'enanch and Imhotep made a strong health care system that used medicine from plants, animals, and minerals.

Their medical knowledge was kept in special texts like the Ebers, Edwin Smith, and Kahun papyri. These writings showed how they treated many health problems, from the common cold to serious diseases.By writing on papyrus using hieroglyphics, they could share this knowledge widely through their society.