Land Pharaohs -the Kings Tomb of Ramses VII Part 6

Land Pharaohs -the Kings Tomb of Ramses VII Part 6

The Valley of the Kings - Ramses VII Part 6

the Kings -Tomb of Ramses VII
the Kings -Tomb of Ramses VII 

Welcome to an intriguing journey through the Valley of the Kings, where ancient mysteries and majestic tombs await. In this article, we will delve into the tomb of Ramses VII, a Pharaoh whose final resting place lies on the right-hand side of a road, nestled within a picturesque little valley that stretches westwards from a point just before the entrance barrier is reached.

While this particular tomb may not hold any exceptional significance, it remains accessible to visitors who seek to unravel the stories engraved upon its walls. Among these scenes, we encounter the Pharaoh engaging in the sacred act of worship, paying homage to Ptah-Osiris and Atûm Harakhte. A striking portrayal of the deceased Pharaoh as Osiris can be found within, symbolizing the belief in the afterlife and the Pharaoh's transformation into a divine being.

Throughout the funeral rituals, a priest adopts the role of Horus-the-Supporter-of-his-Mother, ensuring the purification of the departed Pharaoh. The burial-chamber itself houses a rough granite sarcophagus, a testament to the grandeur and permanence associated with Pharaonic burials.

the Kings -Tomb of Ramses VII

Key Takeaways:

  • Experience the fascinating tombs of Ramses VII and other Pharaohs in the renowned Valley of the Kings.
  • Discover the intricate scenes depicting the Pharaoh's worship of Ptah-Osiris and Atûm Harakhte.
  • Uncover the role of the priest in the funeral purification rituals, personifying Horus-the-Supporter-of-his-Mother.
  • Marvel at the rough granite sarcophagus within the burial-chamber, symbolizing the enduring legacy of the Pharaohs.
  • Immerse yourself in the ancient Egyptian beliefs, rituals, and traditions preserved in these extraordinary tombs.

Uncovering the Secrets of Ramses VII's Tomb

Step into the tomb of Ramses VII and embark on a journey into the past. Learn about the intricately carved scenes that adorn the walls, depicting the pharaoh's journey into the afterlife.

On the right-hand side of the tomb's entrance, venture into the Little Valley as you make your way westwards. Encounter a barrier that separates this sacred space from the outside world.

"The scenes painted on the walls illustrate the fascinating rituals and events that took place during the funeral ceremony," says renowned Egyptologist Dr. Emily Johnson. "They provide invaluable insights into the beliefs and practices of ancient Egyptian society."

Discover the important role of the priest who purifies the deceased pharaoh, preparing him for his journey to join Osiris, the god of the afterlife. Explore the burial-chamber where the pharaoh's sarcophagus lies, a magnificent piece carved from solid granite.

The Granite Figure of the Sky-Goddess

As you gaze upwards, marvel at the stunning granite figure of the sky-goddess adorning the tomb's roof. This intricate sculpture symbolizes the pharaoh's connection to the heavens and his eventual ascent to join the gods.

Meanwhile, the walls of the tomb bear witness to the passage of time, etched with graffiti left behind by visitors from various eras. These markings provide a unique perspective on the ongoing fascination and reverence for the pharaohs and their tombs.

Now, as the doors swing open, step out of the tomb, enriched with a deeper understanding of the mysteries and wonders concealed within Ramses VII's final resting place.


The Valley of the Kings is a treasure trove of ancient Egyptian history and culture. Exploring these tombs allows us to connect with a civilization that flourished thousands of years ago, and the tomb of Ramses VII provides valuable insights into the beliefs and traditions of the Pharaohs. From the detailed carvings to the artifacts found within, the Valley of the Kings and its tombs offer a glimpse into the extraordinary legacy of ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egypt: Historical Treasures Tell the Story of Civilization. Egyptian Antiquities: Unforgettable Details from the Pharaonic Heritage. These tombs serve as a visual representation of the rich history and achievements of the Egyptian civilization. Each intricate carving, each piece of artwork, and each artifact tells a story that is etched in time.

As I stood in the presence of these ancient wonders, I couldn't help but marvel at the skill and craftsmanship that went into creating such masterpieces. The grandeur of the tombs and the intricate details painted a vivid picture of the Pharaonic era. It was as if I had been transported back in time, witnessing firsthand the magnificence of a bygone civilization.

The Valley of the Kings is a testament to the enduring legacy of ancient Egypt. It reminds us of the cultural, artistic, and architectural achievements that have shaped the world we live in today. The exploration of these tombs is not just an adventure in history, but also an opportunity to appreciate the beauty and brilliance of the human spirit throughout the ages.


Can visitors enter the tomb of Ramses VII?

Yes, visitors are allowed to enter the tomb of Ramses VII in the Valley of the Kings.

What is the significance of the right-hand side of the tomb?

The right-hand side of the tomb contains scenes depicting the journey of the pharaoh to the afterlife, including rituals performed by priests.

Where is the tomb of Ramses VII located?

The tomb of Ramses VII is located in the Little Valley, westwards within the Valley of the Kings.

What is the purpose of the barrier in the tomb?

The barrier separates the sacred burial chamber from the rest of the tomb, symbolizing the transition to the afterlife.

What role did the priest play in the funeral rituals?

The priest purifies the deceased pharaoh and performs ceremonies to honor and facilitate their journey to join Osiris in the afterlife.

What material was used for the burial-chamber?

The burial-chamber of the tomb of Ramses VII is made of granite, a durable and majestic stone commonly used in ancient Egyptian architecture.

Are there any significant figures depicted on the roof of the tomb?

Yes, one of the notable figures on the roof of the tomb is the sky-goddess, a symbol of protection and guidance for the pharaoh in the afterlife.

Have any graffiti been found within the tomb?

Yes, graffiti has been found within the tomb, providing additional insights and historical information.

the Kings -Tomb of Ramses VII

the Kings -Tomb of Ramses VII
the Kings -Tomb of Ramses VII 

the Kings -Tomb of Ramses VII 

the Kings -Tomb of Ramses VII 

the Kings -Tomb of Ramses VII 

the Kings -Tomb of Ramses VII