The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan

The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan

 The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan

The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan
The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan

The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan
The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan

The Unfinished Obelisk derives its name from its incomplete

 construction. Crafted from pink granite, this obelisk is situated north of the stone quarries in Aswan, approximately 1 kilometer east of the River Nile. This location was historically designated for obelisk carving.

The stone quarries of ancient Egypt in Aswan span approximately 6 kilometers parallel to the Nile River. Pink granite sourced from this region played a crucial role in constructing ancient Egyptian pyramids. Notably, this granite was scarce in northern Egypt.

  Archaeologists speculate that the Unfinished Obelisk dates back to the reign of Queen Hatshepsut, with indications of attempted rescue efforts during the era of Thutmose III.
 The primary objective behind its construction was to transport and install the obelisk at Karnak Temple in Luxor, utilizing the Nile for transportation.

  To this day, one of the greatest mysteries baffling archaeologists is how ancient Egyptians managed to navigate heavy stones through the Nile. Some weighed over 12 tons, while the transportation of a 1168-ton obelisk from Aswan to Luxor for erection at Karnak Temple remains a feat of unparalleled ingenuity.

  Visitors have the opportunity to explore the Unfinished Obelisk at an open-air museum, officially safeguarded by the Egyptian authorities.

The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan

The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan
The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan

The Incomplete Obelisk of Aswan

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